General Rick Hillier says Ontario’s aim is to vaccinate 8.5 million people by the end of July 2021.
He provided an update today on the Province’s Covid-19 vaccination rollout plans.
As of today, it’s expanded to 19 hospitals that are running vaccination sites in Ottawa and Southern Ontario.
To date, Hillier says more than 14,000 people have been vaccinated in Ontario.
“We’re going to add two more hospital vaccination sites to that in the coming weeks here and then we’ll add two provincial health units to that total of 21 so we will have 23 different sites that will help in vaccinating people,” he said.
Hillier says the Moderna vaccine will arrive in Ontario over the next 24 hours.
By the end of the rollout’s Phase 1, doses will grow to 1.1 million in March accomplishing over 1 million vaccinations.
15 million further doses are then expected over April, May and June during the rollout’s Phase 2, when it will start being administered to people in higher age brackets.
The goal would be to vaccinate 7.5 million people by the end of July.
Phase 3 will be a steady continuing rollout following that in late summer.
Photo via FordNation’s Twitter Account