With school openings only weeks away, the issue of children walking safely to Northport Elementary School in Port Elgin was talked about at Monday’s Saugeen Shores Committee of the Whole meeting.
Deputy Mayor Don Matheson says the Bruce and Joseph Streets intersection is “far too wide for kids to get across” and has become a safety concern.
Saugeen Shores resident Andrea Williamson agrees, saying during her presentation in Open Forum, as development on Devonshire Road continues, it’s far more busy on Bruce Street.
She points out to councillors, “there is no traffic calming between Devonshire Road and Market Street.”
Matheson says he’d like to see a pedestrian-activated crosswalk in the area, much like the one at Highway 21 and Clarendon Street in Southampton. Failing that, he suggests a crossing guard.
Williamson would like to see the road painted with lines that alerts motorists that the area is a crossing zone and not just a school zone.
She also suggests a speed sensor to let motorists know how fast they’re going.
Williamson called for a new traffic study to be done in the area when the students are in school.
Director of Infrastructure and Development Amanda Froese, reported to council that a traffic study is planned this fall.