Grey Bruce OPP is reminding everyone to be safe when it comes to black bear sightings around homes, campgrounds, and when hiking.
Police say that if there is an emergency situation, for example when a bear is a threat to safety or exhibits threatening behaviour to call 911.
Cases where calling 911 or local police include when a bear enters a schoolyard when school is in session, if one wanders into a public gathering, or if it kills livestock or pets and is still on site.
Otherwise, if a bear is near your home and lingering around garbage cans, or if it makes its way into a garage, or if it’s in a tree, then you can call the toll-free Bear Wise line at 1-866-514-2327.
Police are also advising that if you are out with your dog, make sure that you keep your pet on a leash to both keep your dog safe and avoid making the bear feel threatened.
More information can be found on the Province of Ontario’s Bear Wise website