Bus Delays and Cancellations
When schools or school buses are delayed or cancelled due to weather or other conditions, stay tuned to the Bruce for the latest updates on the situation across our region.
The latest information for school bus delays and cancellations from the Student Transportation Service Consortium of Grey-Bruce (serving BWDSB and BGCDSB schools) can be found below or at at www.mybrucegreyschoolbus.ca.
If you know of a bus delay or cancellation that we are not already reporting, contact our newsroom at 519-376-2030 x228. Please do not contact the newsroom with questions about bus delays or cancellations – any information we have will be made available on this page and during our live updates on the air.
Disclaimer: The information on this page is generated automatically from third-party sources and is provided as-is. Bayshore Broadcasting assumes no responsibility for its accuracy and any questions or concerns should be directed to the information provider.
General Notices
School Alerts
If a school is listed in this section, it may be closed or has another advisory associated with it. Click the “more info” link beside any School Alert to get more information about it.
Transportation Notices
Note: This section can sometimes become quite long – try using the search-on-page feature of your browser to look for individual routes.